27 June 2012


Who is Men Teach?  Men Teach is a nonprofit clearinghouse for anyone seeking information about men teaching.  To learn more about Men Teach, click on their link. http://www.menteach.org

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Other related sites:
MEN JOIN TOGETHER CONFERENCE: http://menjointogether.blogspot.com
SONYA KATES FORUM: http://sonyakatesforum.blogspot.com



Phase I-II: The Values of Parent Involvement
Phase III Workshop: "Five Ways of Life"
"Supporting Our Children"

Free Online Clipart Credit: http://www.colourbox.com 

"Think Before You Sink" Series
Written by David J. Nixon

Other related sites:

Copyright 2003, 2011, 2012 * PARENT AMBASSADORS INC - TXU 1104345


Who are the Men Join Together Conference?  MJT is a component of Young Gentlemen and Women 2000.

Our mission is to enable men to use the format of their intelligence.  Men mentoring men.

MJT hosts conferences year-round, and there are always new volunteer speakers joining the group and sharing their story.  The discussions are intense and full of energy.  In addition, MJT conduct workshops on a monthly basis.  The outcome is knowledge gained to pass onto others.

To learn more about this exciting group of men who volunteer their time and speak on issues that are important to other men, click on their link. http://menjointogether.blogspot.com

In addition, MJT is on Twitter at MenJoinTogether@twitter.com, join in on the discussion. Together we form SYNERGY!

Free Clipart Credits: Free Online


If you've missed the Men Join Together Conference 2011, don't fret, look forward to attending this exciting series of Men joining together to talk about their life experiences in 2012!  Recently, we attended the Men Join Together Conference 2011, which was hosted at North Park Branch Library in Evansville, Indiana. The theme was "Men Join Together: Which One Are You?" Are you a Filler, Watcher, Teacher, Seeker, or Messenger. The room filled quickly with people who wanted to be there. The seating was set in theater style, and a overhead screen mounted on the wall displayed pictures and biography's of all the men who would be speaking. The audience was a mixture of young and old from all walks of life. Although, the target was focused on men, there were women present, as well. Two women in particular served organic coffee and tea. There were a total of six African American men who poured out their hearts about their personal life experiences, and elaborated on the character that they felt best represented them. For instance, one gentlemen chose the Filler, and describe what a filler was from a football player's point of view. Another, describe himself as a Messenger, and shared biblical teachings to reach the audience. Whereas, one used a simple potato to describe life as a Teacher. The highlight of the event was expressed from the keynote speaker who traveled from Indianapolis, Indiana, to join this special group of men. He illustrated himself as being a Seeker and used a photo image of a maze to pin-point his walk through life. Other highlights of the event were the testimonies of men who had been diagnosed with illnesses, and others who suffered severe bodily injuries, a gunshot wound to the body, a severe head injury, and survivor of cancer. It was continuous testimonies greeted with applause from the audience. The evening ended with a special presentation of Certificates of Appreciation for "Men Mentoring Men," awarded to all of the guest speakers. The overall event was very professional, and extremely pleasant. After attending this wonderful event, everyone including the public was invited to attend a fellowship dinner at a local restaurant.

MJT Year Book 2011-2012 

Men Join Together Conference 1st Anniversary 2012

Participate in entrepreneur training workshops, conferences and more!
To receive a complimentary MJT Year eBook, send request via email to menjointogether@mail.com

Visit Men Join Together Conference: http://menjointogether.blogspot.com

Other related sites:
Sonya Kates Forum: http://sonyakatesforum.blogspot.com


If you missed the Men Join Together Conference 2012, "What's Your Move"? don't fret.  Take a few minutes to review the MJT Photo Tour.  Everyone had a great time and looks forward to the next MJT event in the month of May 2012. 
Although, the speakers may change, the energy remains the same. To learn more about this exciting group of men mentoring men, click on this link  http://menjointogether.blogspot.com

23 June 2012


If you would like David J. Nixon to speak at your event, please send your request via email to: ygw2000@gmail.com

Areas of Expertise:
  • ITT Graduate of Criminal Justice
  • Motivational Speaker - Pastoral Support
  • Business Consultant
  • Organizer
  • Conflict Resolution Skills Training for At Risk Youth
  • Reform to Society Leadership Development and Mentoring
  • Enrichment Development Consultant/Youth Advocacy - "Think Before You Sink" Training Series
  • Grassroots Grant Writer
  • Technical Writing Assistance

06 June 2012


* American Criminal Justice Association, Lambda Alpha Epsilon
* President of the Southside Kiwanis Club - Evansville IN (2004 and 2005)
* Ordained Independent Christian Clergy - (World Christianship Ministries)
* Downtown Ministers Association - Evansville IN
* The Baptist Ministers and Deacons Union of Evansville IN
* PTA Benjamin Bosse High School Board Member for Legislation (2005)
* PTSA Benjamin Bosse High School Board Member for School Safety (2004)
* CFI Central Football
* King David Lodge #96 International Masons
* Alabama Democratic District Youth Chair/Alabama *Democratic Caucus(1996-1997)
* Alabama Republican Caucus (1997-1999)
* On 05 March 2012, Indiana Senate presents a "Certificate of Congratulations" to YGW 2000
* Special Tribute Certificate from Former Governor Jennifer M. Granholm (Michigan) for "Young Gentlemen   and *Women Positive Behavior Youth Center" - Servicing the Community of Lansing Michigan (2003) *Teacher of the Year College Alternative Presidents Award (1996) - Northwest Shoals Community College, Muscle Shoals Alabama
* Motivational Speaker for At-Risk Youth and Adult Reform
* Television Host/Founder of "H.M.G.G. Ministries" (Hebrews, Matthew, Genesis and   Galatians)- Public Access Channel, Evansville IN


* President's Kiwanis Club International, Indianapolis IN
* Recognition of Neighborhood Advocates - C.O.I.N., Evansville IN
* Honorable Discharge from Active Duty, U.S. Army
* United States Army National Guard 20th Year Service Award
* Expert Weapons Specialist, Department of Army Exceptional Performance
* Army Service Ribbons, Good Conduct Medals
* Army Certificate of Achievement Award
* Northwest Shoals Community College, Student Services Certification of Support, AL
* Certificate of Appreciation Florence, Alabama Police Department, AL
* Member of Citizens Police Academy, Florence Alabama

Men Join Together Conference, Originator, 2011 – present http://menjointogether.blogspot.com
Community Involvement/Motivational Speaker
Grassroots Volunteer Grant Writer              
Volunteer member of the Advisory Council for Bosse Mentoring Program
Technical writing assistant, for new proposal ideas for minority businesses
Technical writing assistant, documentation for senior citizen. (Veteran's spouse)
Volunteer grassroots grant writer for Churches Embracing Offenders (CEO)
Volunteer grassroots grant writer for Evansville Small Incubator/Business Center (2006-07)
Participant in the Walk for Downtown Churches of Evansville (April 2006)
African Fest at Memorial Baptist Church – Black History Series (Feb. 2006)
Assistant Youth Coordinator at St. John the Apostle Catholic Church (2004-2005)
Percussion performance for St. John the Apostle Catholic Church 3rd Annual Juneteenth Celebration
51st Annual Women’s Day at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church (2005)
Southside Kiwanis Club Variety Show Fundraiser (June 2005)
Evansville African Museum 2nd Annual 2004 Kwanzaa Community Celebration
The Coalition of Inner-City Neighborhoods Merry Christmas 2004 Celebration
City Council Agenda (February 7, 2005), performed drumming with city youth
St. Vincent Day Care Black History Month (2005)

Bosse High School PTSA member of public safety. Together with his wife (Sonya), they were able to establish the crossing-lights and safety guards that are posted at Washington and Hwy. 41, as well as reducing the speed zone with public safety cross lights at the corners of Hwy. 41 and Lodge Street. (2005-06)

Volunteer for Bosse High School Senior Prom After Dance Celebration (2004-05)
Campaign supporter for EVSC School Board candidate (2004-05)